Monday, June 25, 2012

The Most Boring Dream I have Ever Had In My Entire Life.

My only dream I can remember from last night is boring as hell. I dreamt that I went to some other school than I go to now. And the teacher really liked me for some reason. And it was a girl teacher. And she gave me history and science homework. I went home and sat down at a table. Then I asked my little brother to get me my history workbook. So he got it and then I started doing it The end.Boring. As.Hell. Probably the most boring dream I have ever had throughout my entire life so far.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Perverts, Friends, and Planes...

Ok, so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I haven't been having dreams that I can remember but I did last night. Okay so I was at a house and this guy came up to be and he was just like shoving his part in my face. Thank god he still had pants on. These guys were also raping people. So next I ran into a bedroom. There were two people just casually laying their in bed. It was my friend, Emily, and her mom. Her mom somehow caught the rapists out there and they went home or somewhere I don't really know. Then all of the sudden Emily and I were on a plane. When we were going up more on land, the rapists were on that hill. So we flew past them and that was the last time I saw the rapists.  We flew above this thing or event that had something to do with getting stuff for school or something. Then we saw a girl named Chloe down there. And I said "Hey look it's Chloe!" and then we flew in another circle around it for awhile and then Emily was like "OH MY GOD IT'S CHLOE!" And then we started laughing. Then my dream ended. So, yeah that was a weird night. Weird. As. Hell.