Monday, December 19, 2011

I finally had a dream!!!!!.......... school: go to the office!!!!

Wow I finally had a dream I can remember!!!!! It's been a long time!!!!! So this dream is really wierd but here's how it goes: My friend and I were walking to our classes I went to English and I don't know where she went........ When I got into the classroom I sat down at a random desk....... For some reason I couldn't stop moving and I couldn't stop misbehaving idk why. One of the times I swung my head and arms around and yelled something like bvhjfbkdvvkedfv........... the teacher didn't like that one at all so she said I had to say sorry. so I swung my head and arms around crazy again and yelled I'M SORRY TEACHER!!!!! then she said "that's it" and this little yellow sticky note with writing landed on my desk and she told me to go to the office. Well I was sitting in the office when the counselor came in and started yelling at me ( the counselor ylling at me actually happened in real life in 5th grade) Well then my dream ended and I woke up but when I woke up I mad the rest up heres how the rest goes that I made up: My friend was suddenly by me and I yelled BRICK and she threw a brick at her head and she died................. THE END
did you like my dream????? I hope so!!!! thanxs for reading!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I haven't had a dream in awhile....ssooo......yeah..........but you can read my othr blog which will ALWAYS stay updated lol!!!!! heres the link: CLICK IT IK WHERE YOU LIVE!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


One time I had this dream that a ghost was attacking me and my mom. We hid behind the couch from it. Another time I had this dream of a ghost ending up in my moms closet or room...........idk why i have so many dreams about ghosts lol:)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My dream with last year's science tacher that I had last year:):(.....i hate my science teachers though:(

Ok , so once I knew Mr.Piccard was in my dream it freaked me out. He was my stupid science teacher last year. So I had a dream that we had to do a science experiment thingy. He picked 2 people or 3 to do something(idk what). but anyway I was one of those he picked to do something. We went into this building that had grey and black walls only and no windows. umm... there was this thing that the people he picked was going to lay on(again idk what). One person started the experiment and i realized something. He was killing everyone he picked. There were two other guys that I guess were guards standing right on the step above me. I waited for awhile getting more nervous as it went faster. I finally decieded to take a chance and I did. I ran out of there away from the guards as fast as I could. Mr. Piccard started chasing me trying to catch up with me but he couldn't really(well, almost i guess... idk really) but the point is that he was chasing me anyways. I ran as fast as I freaking could and I got all the way to my house! He walked into my house and pinned me in the corner of my bunk bed. He was then talking to me and started asking me why I didn't want to do this and to come back. I refused and started to get up and move.....sadly my dream ended after this and I wish it could've kept going!!! I want this to happen in real life!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

scariest dream ever

I think my scariest dream I ever had was when I was about 7. I was walking through my Grandma's house, but the entire thing was blue and I mean EVERYTHING!!!! Well when I went through each room the freakiest looking corpse and zombies kept coming out at me. I was terrified at them but there was no where I could escape this. I found the key that locks the doors and I ran from the freakiest looking one of all that was chasing me. I went through like 5 doors. At the 5th one he broke through the door and was about to jump on me and attack me!!!!!1.... you know what happened after that???!!!!! it comes....... I woke up! lolz :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

sCaRy dream.......well kinda for me because i was like 9 or 10 then...

I had a dream that I was chained to the wall inside the biggest basement like EVER. Well there was this guy sweeping down there and he was talking to me even though he wasn't supposed to and my mouth was taped so i couldn't talk back. This guy let me go and I ran out of that place as fast as I freaking could. Somehow I ended up back at that person's house that tied me up in that basement. The person tied me up again with pink bands and i removed them again. They put them back on and said keep them there!!!! I tried to escape their house and got chased all over it..........thats all I can really remember right now:)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I am now scared of ronald Mcdonald lol

Ok so, I was at my house just acting normal me in this dream and i went behind my front door which was wide opened....... It ended up that Ronald Mcdonalds ghost was behind my door.FReakY.......... but he did this wierd breath and his eyes crossed and he started chasing me around my house. This repeated about five times. He ended up back at my door every time I ditched him.................... i realized when i woke up that i got that dream from family guy... it's when Chris said" i wish tht scary clown would go away at the end of my bed" and ronald mcdonald was ther with a creepy face making the m i <3 family guy too:)

(emily your going to like this) My friends big huge birthday cake dream

I had a dream last night that my mom had made a huge birthday cake for my best firend, and she said she was going to wait until i get a card for her to bring it in. So I went into the downstairs of her house and i fell into this huge space filled with b-day cards so i found one but for some reason there was no pens in there so i gave up and went upstairs and for some reason that looked like a different house upstairs than before. My friend was in the garage with the cake laughing and then i never saw her again. (my dad lives in missouri in real life you'll see why I said that) So, all of a sudden i was in missouri driving a car but i was a horrible driver on my way to my dads. With alot of explosions and things i ended up back where my friend lives...and i dont really remember anything after that...........

oddest dream ever

One time a very long time ago i had a dream I was on a plane with my mom and a monkey. We had these card things that opened and my Mom traded with the monkey. The monkey opened his card and balloons popped out of them. THen i woke up right away..........very strange...................... huh?